Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister today instructed officials to complete the work on the Rs 333-crore fiber grid in the state by March, 2016.
In a review meeting, N Chandrababu Naidu today apprised that under the fiber grid project, the Infrastructure Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (INCAP) would lay 30,000 km of cable network in the state, an official release said.
He sought the completion of the grid, meant to provide three services of video, internet and telephone at the doorstep, by March, 2016.
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The Chief Minister directed the officials to complete the works in Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam and Vizianagaram by December this year.
He lauded the efforts of the state Energy department towards reducing the transmission and distribution (T&D) losses in power supply to 10.37 per cent by distributing about 65 lakh LED bulbs in the domestic sector and 2.2 lakh LED bulbs for street lights to various municipalities of the state.
He asked them to further reduce T&D losses of power to 9 per cent.