The Congress on Friday released the seventh list of its 35 candidates for the April-May Lok Sabha election and shifted Uttar Pradesh state unit chief Raj Babbar from Moradabad Fatehpur Sikri, the party said in a statement.
The party has nominated Imran Pratapgarhiya from Moradabad where Babbar's candidature was announced earlier.
The party fielded former Union Minister Renuka Chowdhury from Khammam in Telangana.
The party also fielded Vikramaditya Singh, the son of former Union Minister Karan Singh, from Udhampur constituency in Jammu and Kashmir.
The Congress also released a list of 54 candidates for Odisha Assembly election.
The Congress Central Election Committee announces the seventh list of candidates for the ensuing elections to the Lok Sabha
— Congress (@INCIndia) March 22, 2019