With the break-up of UPA in Tamil Nadu, Congress leader and former Union minister EVKS Elangovan today said there was a possibility of his party heading a new alliance sans the two major Dravidian parties - DMK and AIADMK - for the next Lok Sabha elections.
Rejecting the charges against Congress over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue, he said people were not aware of the party's good work towards the welfare of the Lankan Tamils.
Congress still enjoyed the support of the people and wielded influence, though in Tamil Nadu "some people may say it is a party without cadres," he told reporters here.
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DMK had pulled out of UPA in March over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue.
Elangovan, a former TNCC President, said the central government had allocated crores of rupees for development of Sri Lankan Tamils and people were not aware of this fact.
"The good deeds of the Congress-led government for the Sri Lankan Tamils have not been explained to the public," he said, condemning attacks on fishermen allegedly by Sri Lankan Navy.