Congress MP Ramesh Kumar filed his nomination from South Delhi constituency today and declared his assets worth Rs 17 crore, an increase of over seven times since the last five years.
Sitting MP from South Delhi constituency, Kumar's assets have increased over seven times in the last five years from Rs 2.5 crore to Rs 17 crores. He declared immovable assets, including the properties of his wife, worth Rs 7.5 crore.
Kumar and his wife together have declared movable assets worth approximately Rs 9.6 crore which includes 800 gm gold ornaments, currently valued at Rs 19.2 lakh.
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He has no cases pending against him and has no liability.
Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Tirath, who filed her nomination from North West Delhi, has declared assets worth approximately Rs 2.6 crore which includes her movable and immovable assets.
Tirath has shown Rs 8.1 lakh as income in his last year's income tax return while her husband has declared Rs 14.5 lakh as income for the last financial year.
Tirath and her husband together have declared movable assets worth approximately Rs 2 crore which includes 1810 gm gold worth over Rs 45 lakh and 6,000 gm silver worth Rs 2.40 lakh approximately.
The couple has declared immovable property worth around Rs 2.85 crore in the affidavit.