Using social media, Congress has launched an attack on the Narendra Modi government for the terrorist attack in Uri in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab eye camp blinding, disinvestment, IIT faculty shortage and other issues.
Through different hashtags on Twitter, it has also attacked Modi quoting a news headline "Modi sweeping away environmental norms in a bid for growth. Growth at what cost?"
The party believes that Modi's media campaign blitzkrieg, particularly on social media was one of the contributory factors to the unprecedented drubbing of Congress in Lok Sabha polls.
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As part of its moves to be an effective opposition, Congress has taken to Twitter to expose chinks in the government's functioning latching on to various reports in media about the ministries concerned.
Shadow Cabinet committees were formed to keep a watch on decisions and policies of key ministries of the Modi government and corner it on issues during and after the Winter Session.
Some of the news headlines re-tweeted by the INC are "@MoHFW_INDShadow: Behind Punjab eye camp blinding: One doctor, 49 surgeries... DefenceMinInShadow: 8 Armymen die in Uri attack. HRDMinistry_Shadow @HRDMinShadow: IITs face 37% faculty shortage.
"RailMinIndia_Shadow @RailMinInShadow : Another mishap at a railway crossing claims two more children's lives in UP. Shadow Min of EA @ShadowMinOfEA: Modi sweeping away environmental norms in a bid for growth. Growth at what cost? MinistryWCD_Shadow @MinstWCDShadow: 11 new born babies die in Bilaspur hospital in five days.