Demanding a CBI probe into the multi-crore chit fund scam in Odisha, Congress today asked the Chief Minister to initiate action against ministers, MLAs and other influential persons linked to ponzi companies while party workers demonstrated at all district headquarters.
"Honeymoon between the BJD government and ponzi companies has come to limelight. Chief Minister and other ministers have helped such companies to loot public," alleged OPCC president Jaydev Jena while leading a demonstration here.
Cautioning the state government, Jena said Congress would continue its agitation till the culprit ministers, MLAs, bureaucrats and others were punished.
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"We demand the state government to ensure return of money to people and criminal cases against persons involved in the loot," he said.
In a memorandum to the Governor, OPCC alleged that the state government's decision of setting up a judicial commission would not give justice as such commissions have been constituted on 23 different occasions.
"As the Crime Branch of police is under the administrative control of Chief Minister, this agency cannot undertake a proper investigation. Therefore, we demand a CBI probe into the matter," Congress said in the memorandum.