After suffering a complete rout in Rajasthan in the recently concluded Lok Sabha polls, Congress today said it will review its debacle by holding meetings of the state party functionaries of each district and block committees here for the next two days.
AICC General Secretary and state party in-charge Gurudas Kamat and PCC President Sachin Pilot will hold the feedback-cum-review meetings with district and block level party office-bearers, a party spokesman said today.
Former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, Leader of Opposition Rameshwar Dudi, and Mirza Irshad Beg, AICC Secretary will also discuss the future strategies to take forward the party in the backdrop of its defeat, the spokesman said.
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The top leaders would also take feedback from the party's 25 contestants who lost the polls.
All district presidents and the 16 block presidents have been called to attend the two days' assessment at the party headquarters here.
BJP swept the polls in the state by claiming all 25 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan.