Replying to Private Members resolution of Prakash Javadekar (BJP), Minister of State for Home Jitendra Singh said in accordance with the report submit by Sri Krishna Committee, the government is consulting all the political parties on Telangana issue.
"Suitable decision will be taken on the basis of the consultations with political parties," he said.
He said the government is keeping a close watch over the political situation and agitation for creation of a separate state.
Refuting charges of neglect of Telangana region, he said the government was taking all steps for equal progress of all regions of Andhra Pradesh.
But, the reply of the minister did not satisfy Opposition BJP, TDP and Shiv Sena who walked out of the House.
As the minister was replying, deputy leader of BJP Ravishankar Prasad, Devendra Goud (TDP) and Javadekar said considering the political significance of the issue, either the Prime Minister or the Home minister should have given the reply instead of fielding a junior minister.
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Refusing to withdraw the resolution, Javadekar charged the Congress with "betraying" people of Telangana after the then Home Minister P Chidambaram had in 2009 publicly said that process for formation of a separate state has started.
As Javadekar refused to withdraw the resolution, the Chair put it to vote while the BJP and other members had walked out. The resolution was defeated by voice vote.