Besides ordering the shoe retailer to refund Rs 630, a Delhi district consumer forum also asked the showroom to pay Rs 1,000 as cost to Shastri Nagar resident R P Tomar, who had alleged that the sole of the pair of slippers bought by him for his wife last year had got detached within three hours.
The forum said the slippers was defective as its sole was detached and thus the showroom was liable to refund its price. During the pendency of the complaint, the showroom's owner did not put any appearance to contest Tomar's plea.
"From the perusal of the record and unimpeached evidence filed on record on behalf of the complainant, we come to the conclusion that the slippers sold by the OPs (Forever and its proprietor Saurabh) to the complainant (Tomar) were defective when the sole of the slippers detached within a period of three hours.
"Therefore, we are of the view that the OPs are liable to refund the amount paid for the pair of slippers apart from the cost and compensation," the forum comprising of its President Babu Lal and member B R Verma said.
Tomar had filed the complaint against the showroom saying he had purchased the slippers for a sum of Rs 630 from Forever and the footwear were used on the festival of 'Teej' but just after two-and-half hours, its sole was detached causing injury to her.
He alleged that he had contacted the shop and had shown the slippers to them after which its representative kept it on August 2 last year and also gave their contact number but two days later, they refused to replace it.
The forum decided the case in favour of Tomar saying, "The slippers had been received by the OP (showroom) and receipt of this letter...Clearly shows the fact that the defects pointed out by the complainant in slippers are correct. The OP has not returned the slippers".