Cotton bales estimated at Rs 16 crore, belonging to the Cotton Federation of India and some private owners, were gutted in fire that broke out at one of the godowns of Central Warehousing Corporation in Lohara MIDC area near here today.
The blaze started in the wee hours and eight fire tenders from Yavatmal, Ner, Pusad, Umarkhed and Amravati struggled for over 12 hours to put out the flames, Yavatmal Tehsildar Anup Khande said, adding that there is no report of any injuries to anyone in the mishap.
He said that a short circuit might have triggered the fire.
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"According to our estimate, cotton bales worth Rs 16 crore were gutted in fire. The cotton belonged to private owners and the Cotton Federation of India," Khande said, adding though fire is under control though it is still smoldering. He said that cotton worth over Rs. 15 lakh stocked in the adjoining godown was saved due to timely action by the administration.
The godowns are located just beyond the Raymond Denim mill in Lohara area where other industrial establishments are housed.