Counting of votes in the 42 Lok Sabha constituencies in West Bengal would begin at 8 AM on May 16 amidst tight security under the direct supervision of Election Commission officials.
Assistant CEO Amitjyoti Bhattacharya said that 48 counting venues, comprising 69 counting centres, have been set up, which would be directly supervised by 43 general observers and 55 counting observers.
A three-tier security arrangement has been made for the counting venues with the outer ring, 100 metres from the venue, to be manned by state forces. The counting hall and strong rooms will be manned by central forces, he said.
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Apart from this, CCTVs and alternative power sources have been kept ready in all counting venues, Bhattacharya said.
Besides polling in 42 Lok Sabha seats, bye-elections were held in the state's six assembly seats.