A Delhi court today chided the CBI for "delay" in producing four accused, including SP Vivek Dutt who is a key member of the Coalgate scam probe, before it in connection with a corruption case lodged against them.
The court extended till tomorrow the CBI custody of Dutt, CBI inspector Rajesh Chandra Karnatak, alleged middleman Rajesh Pachisia and businessman Dinesh Chand Gupta. Dutt, Karnatak and Pachisia are accused of taking a bribe of Rs seven lakh from Gupta to favour him in a land dispute case.
Special CBI Judge G P Singh pulled up CBI investigating officer (IO) Additional SP B K Birdi saying he should act in a "disciplined manner" and produce the accused before the court well within time. The accused were produced before the court at around 4.30 PM.
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The court was also irked with the agency for not mentioning the names of the four arrested accused in the heading of their application seeking extension of their CBI custody by five more days.
"Why complete name of accused is not there in the heading of the application? How will I search the names? Why should I go through the paragraphs to search the names? Is there a need to teach this to the premier investigating agency?" the court asked.
After the IO gave in writing the reasons for delay in producing the accused before the court, the judge said that the explanation given by him "lacks substance".