Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday took a swipe at Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav and his sons over an alleged disproportionate assets case, claiming the court will punish the "ancestral corrupt" for their deeds.
He shared a news report on Twitter which said the Supreme Court was going to hear on Monday a plea in connection an alleged disproportionate assets case against Mulayam Singh and his sons Akhilesh and Prateek.
"The evil deeds of the corrupt are coming to light and they have looted people. The honourable court will give due punishment to these 'khandani bhrastachari" (ancesteral corrupt) for their deeds," he claimed.
"Be cautious of them as in order to avoid going to jail they will divide you on basis of caste and religion. All thieves are united in fear of chowkidar (watchman) but how long will they be able to save themselves," he said.
The apex court Monday issued notice to the CBI on a plea seeking direction to the probe agency that it place the investigation report in the disproportionate assets case.
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