CPI(M) today accused the Trinamool Congress of launching a "systematic" offensive to "eliminate" the Left Front in West Bengal and held a photo exhibition on the ruling party's alleged terror attacks on its workers.
The exhibition, where photographs showing attacks on the party workers were displayed, was inaugurated at CPI(M) mouthpiece Ganashakti's office by former chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya.
Bhattacharya also released a book titled "Santarsher Andhakar (Darkness of Terror)" .
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Several party workers have been killed in attacks by the ruling party's supporters after the Assembly polls, a senior CPI(M) leader claimed.
"Nowhere in India has such a planned and systematic attack taken place to eliminate a political formation and its movement. What is happening in West Bengal is a savage and premeditated attack on democracy, rights of citizens and their right to lead a dignified life," he said.