The CPI(M) today doubted West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's remarks that TMC would not support Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, saying the party had earlier allied with NDA and there was no gurantee that they would not repeat the same.
"If you go by the history, Trinamool Congress had forged alliance with both Congress and BJP. We all know that they have been a part of NDA, for a long time," CPI(M) state secretary Biman Bose told reporters here.
"You never know what they will do in future. It is a party which has been with both Congress and BJP to achieve its interests. They have no credibility," Bose said.
The CPI(M) leader's statement comes in the backdrop of Banerjee's announcement a few days back where she said that, "We do not support Narendra Modi, nor we will support him (in future).