Cricket player Murali Kartik was involved in a road mishap here today in which a man in an another car fractured his hand while the sportsman's wife sustained minor injuries.
The incident occurred at around 12:15 am when Kartik and his wife Shweta were returning from Taj Mansingh Hotel to their residence in Green Park, according to police.
"Kartik, who was driving his Volvo car, stopped at a petrol pump. After getting fuel for his car, when Kartik drove his car towards Niti Marg from the slip lane, he had an accident with a Zylo which was coming from airport," the official said.
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Sudeep, a resident of Trivendrum, who was in the Zylo car fractured his right hand while his driver Rajkumar and another man in the vehicle sustained minor injuries.
Kartik escaped unhurt in the mishap although his wife Shweta suffered a minor sprain in her hand, police said.
A PCR call was made after which Sudeep, who is a medical representative, and Shweta were taken to RML hospital from where they were discharged after the first aid.
So far, no police complaint has been registered in the case although both the damaged cars were taken to Chanakyapuri police station, they said.
"Neither Kartik nor Sudeep have filed any complaint but we may register a case on our own," said a police official.