Mehra, who was deposing as a CBI witness in the case, said he had not received any complaints of irregularities in the tender process till the agency started its probe.
"It is correct that I along with the Mayor inaugurated the automatic switching off and on of the street lights before March 10, 2010. It is correct that at the stage of inauguration, I was not aware of any complaints/irregularities in the tender process," he told Special CBI judge Pradeep Chaddah.
The former MCD commissioner was being cross-examined by P K Dubey, counsel for accused T P Singh and J P Singh, the promoters of Sweska Powertec Pvt Ltd, the alleged beneficiary in the scam.
Mehra admitted attending meetings of the standing committee when the tender was passed and said he had not come across any shortcomings and gave his recommendation.
"If any complaint had been brought to my knowledge, I would not have given my recommendation," he said.
MCD Superintendent Engineer D K Sugan, Executive Engineer O P Mahla, Accountant Raju V and the civic body's tender clerk Gurcharan Singh, Sweska's Managing Director T P Singh and Director J P Singh have been charge sheeted in this scam.