Jagan, along with other accused including former minister Mopidevi Venkata Ramana Rao, industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad and senior bureaucrat K V Brahmananda Reddy (all accused in Vanpic aspect of Jagan assets case), who are currently lodged in Chanchalguda Central Prison, were produced before the court through video-conferencing after which their judicial custody was extended by another 14 days.
Andhra Pradesh Roads and Buildings Minister Dharmana Prasada Rao, who is also an accused in the case appeared before the special CBI court.
The court had earlier on January 21 had taken cognisance of offences under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act to prosecute Dharmana and Mopidevi.
The Andhra Pradesh High Court on January 24 dismissed Jagan's regular bail petition. The High Court had observed that his bail plea was not maintainable before it as the Supreme Court had earlier clearly said that the Kadapa MP should move his bail plea only after the CBI which is investigating into the case filed its final charge sheet.
Jagan was arrested on May 27 this year by CBI on corruption charges.
The court also extended the judicial remand of former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy, his brother-in-law B V Srinivas Reddy, and another accused Mehfuz Ali Khan in the illegal mining case involving Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) till February 14 after they were produced before it through video link.
In a related development, the court also extended the judicial remand of Emaar scam accused Sunil Reddy till the same date.