"Dadi ma ho gayi mein (I have become grandmother," remarked newly elected Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan when INLD MP Dushyant Chautala said he would be under the guidance of a person who has worked with his great-grandfather former Deputy Prime Minister Devi Lal apart from his grandfather and father.
26-year-old Dushyant, one of the youngest newly-elected members, congratulated 71-year-old Mahajan for having been elected to the high post and hoped she would give more time to first time members.
"You have worked with my great-grandfather Chaudhary Devi Lal, grandfather Om Prakash Chautala and father Ajay Chautala. I hope you will guide me in the House," he said.
In response, Mahajan said, "Dadi ma ho gayi mein.