Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das today gave credit to Jayaprakash Narayan for his own elevation to the high office, saying it became possible as JP's fight against emergency in mid-1970s restored democracy in the country.
"His biggest contribution to the nation was protecting democracy. Could a mazdoor like me become chief minister if there was no democracy?" Das asked.
Hailing JP on his 113th birth anniversary, he said JP's life had been inspirational and everyone should renew the pledge to protect democracy.
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Speaking at a programme here, Das recalled how JP inspired Chambal dacoits to surrender and was also instrumental in Naga peace accord.
He called upon the leaders and people who had been part of the JP movement to take a constructive role in uplifting the society.
Asking them to make the poor aware of the government's welfare projects, he said his government has decided to felicitate those who had participated in the JP movement.