Longest running quiz show "Prashnottari", with a tag of Limca Book of Records, has completed 525 episodes on Doordarshan's terrestial and regional channel in Rajasthan.
"Prashnottari" began its journey twice in a month in 1993, now broadcast on DD twice a week.
The show, a detailed question based on story telling format, has completed successfully 525 episodes yesterday, its founder and anchor Mahendra Surana said at a press conference here today.
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Producing it for the last 22 years as script writer and host, Surana said it was included in Limca Book of Reocrds as the longest running televised Quiz show in 2003 by beating record of "Bournvita Quiz" which was presented by Derek O'Brian.
Maintaing its Limca Book of records every year since 2003 by submitting recordings and popularity charts, "Prashnottari" has completed 525 episodes on National DD- Rajasthan since July 23, 1993.
"Prashnottari" has begun its new journey of running telecast show twice every week just from August 15, he who is single handedly making it a very popular and demanding among school-college students said.
Every quiz show was attended at least by 150 participants and winners of each question has been given an award immediately after his/her answer in one hour interactive show, he said.
The participants are from schools, colleges, varsities, and general public, who come to show at their own with an objective to make a correct reply and win an award, he said.
In last 22 years, "Prashnottari" has covered many of the subjects, issues and topics on religion and religious books, art and culture, politics and election, fair and festivals, history, geography, science and technology, medical and health, and literature, he said, addding sometime it went on air bilingual.
Director of Doordarshan (Rajasthan) Ramesh Sharma said Prashnotri's popularity was very well established not only in Rajasthan but also on its re-telecast on other channels of National DD in other states.
"It is one of the flagship programme of DD, and its content and concept are entirely different from other serials", Sharma said.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MI&B) has approved its periodicity due to its TRP from twice in a month to twice a week, Director said.
DD will take up its entry for Guinness World record soon as it has been raising soical problems and expanding the government policies through quiz, the director added.