"Dhoni has played as a player at Keenan Stadium in Jamshedpur, but not as a captain. It were man-made circumstances which delayed Dhoni from leading India in his home state," Choudhary said.
Choudhary, who is also the president of the Jharkhand State Cricket Association, managed Indian team during its trip to Zimbabwe under Saurav Ganguly in 2005-06 and was also the manager of the touring Indian team to the West Indies last year.
"I have my own conclusions as to what and who prevented Dhoni from playing as captain at Keenan. There should be an investigation into the circumstances preventing Dhoni leading the team at Keenan, as it was not natural circumstance that prevented him," Choudhary said without elaborating much on the issue.
Dhoni's home town is scheduled to host an ODI tie between India and England later this year, subject to the ICC approval. PTI PVR SNK