A Delhi court Thursday reserved order on the plea of Enforcement Directorate seeking 7-day custodial interrogation of former finance minister P Chidambaram in the INX Media money laundering case.
Special judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar is scheduled to pronounce the order shortly.
The probe agency has sought 7-day custodial interrogation of the 74-year old senior Congress leader.
Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for Chidambaram, said the former minister is very ill and sought 2-day interim bail for treatment in Hyderabad.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for ED told the court that documentary evidence has come to light which shows Chidambaram's connection to money laundering.
The law officer said Chidambaram's pace decreased while answering certain questions during interrogation and more time is needed to quiz him.
The ED had taken him in custody on October 16 which is ended Thursday.