Over 1.20 crore voters are eligible to exercise their franchise in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls for seven Parliamentary constituencies in Delhi, which will be held on April 10.
Delhi's Chief Electoral officer Vijay Dev said the Commission has started preparations for the elections and will aim to break all previous records of voter turnout.
"We want to ensure maximum voter turn out and break the record of highest polling percentage of 65.86 recorded in the 2013 Delhi Assembly Polls", he said.
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CEO, Vijay Dev said that 1,20,60,493 voters have been enrolled as per final rolls published on January 31.
However, those who are not enrolled and are eligible to vote can submit their forms till March 12, (ten days before the last date of nominations on March 22) to get their names enrolled.
As per the publication, male voters are 66,84,476 and the female voters which also includes the 638 others (transgenders) are 53,76,017, bringing the gender ratio at 804 against 1000 males and the electors to population (EP) ratio stands at 68.12.
During the 2013 Delhi legislative elections, 1,19,32,069 voters were enrolled and after summary revision 1,28,424 voters have been added to the list.
1,10,96,854 voters were enrolled during the 2009 Parliamentary elections.
"We are going to the poll with 100 per cent photo electoral rolls (PER) and 100 per cent electors Photo identity card (EPIC) as we did for the first time in legislative elections 2013, as against the 2009 Parliamentary elections when our EPIC percentage was 86.4 and the PER was 79.8 per cent," said Dev.