With maximum numbers of complaints being "unattended" by the Delhi Police, the AAP government will soon approach Police Commissioner Alok Verma asking him to ensure speedy redressal of such complaints forwarded by its grievance cell.
Gopal Mohan, who is an advisor to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and also in-charge of Public Grievance Monitoring System (PGMS), said that since February 2014 when the AAP government was formed, PGMS has received about 17,000 complaints against Delhi Police, but it is "unfortunate" that 20 per cent of cases, which were forwarded to the force, went "unattended".
He also said that 80 per cent of complainants were "unsatisfied" about the redressal of their complaints by the police. A government official said that after the Delhi Police, DJB is the second department against which maximum complaints were received.
"We have sought an appointment with Delhi Police Commissioner and would urge him to ensure speedy redressal of complaints forwarded by the PGMC," Mohan said.