Congress leader Digvijay Singh today targeted Arvind Kejriwal for his fund-raising dinner in Bangalore questioning whether the AAP leader, who was charging Rs 20,000 per person for having a meal with them, can claim to represent the common man.
He said there was a huge difference between Kejriwal and Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, who goes to the poorest of the poor, sits down on the floor in their hut, holds hands and eats with them.
In sharp contrast, Kejriwal charges Rs 20,000 per person for having dinner with him, Digvijay said in a tweet.
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He said he was not sure if Kejriwal really represented the common man.
"Kejriwal aam aadmi hai toh khaas aadmi kaun hai (If Kejriwal is a common man, then who is the VIP)," Singh quipped.