BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, who is a member of the JPC on 2G issue, today wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stating he is "surprised and disappointed" over his refusal to depose before the panel.
Sinha, who earlier written a letter to Singh asking that he should present himself before the Joint Parliamentary Committee, said he was unhappy with the response of the Prime Minister- through a mail- that he does not have to depose and has nothing to hide.
The letter written today is a response to the Prime Minister's communication.
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He also takes on Singh for stating that all documents have been furnished to the JPC and is not hiding anything.
"I find it difficult to agree with your claim that neither the government nor you have anything to hide in this matter. If it was so, then a number of crucial documents could not have been held back from the JPC as the government did. These documents had to be literally ferreted out of government by the JPC when the media brought them into the public domain," Sinha said.
The BJP MP further maintained that if JPC is expected to draw its conclusions only on the basis of records and documents then "clearly it has wasted its time by calling so many witnesses to depose before it".