A former Delhi Police official, who was dismissed from services after his name emerged in a case of murder and was out on bail, has now been arrested in a case of criminal trespass, police said today.
Satyaprakash Tyagi was arrested yesterday after police received a complaint against him having allegedly occupied a part of a woman's residential property by force in north Delhi's Wazirabad area, a senior official said.
Tyagi was last posted as an Assistant sub-inspector in Delhi Police when he was arrested in a murder case.
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The complainant in the case is a 40-year-old woman, Tyagi's neighbour, and her family members have been leaving in the premise concerned for over the past 70 years, the official said.
"Tyagi was dismissed from services long time ago. He has been arrested under charge of criminal trespass. Investigation of the matter is underway," DCP (North) Madhur Verma said.