Main opposition in Tamil Nadu Assembly DMDK today lodged a police complaint alleging defamatory posts in social media against its party chief Vijayakanth and demanded removal of such content and action against those floating it.
In the complaint, DMDK said "defamatory posts", including caricatures and snippets, against Vijayakanth were spreading in social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp.
Such activities were being done with ulterior motives to tarnish the DMDK chief's image by persons including some ruling AIADMK functionaries, it was alleged.
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Although complaint was lodged against a Mettupalayam based AIADMK functionary, no action was taken, it claimed.
Action should hence be taken to remove such objectionable content and against those behind it, the party said.
DMDK Whip VC Chandrakumar was among the party functionaries who called on a senior police official with the complaint.