Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal today allowed DMK members, facing disciplinary action for disrupting the House, to participate in the ongoing session.
The Speaker told the assembly that he has decided to give relief to the DMK members on the recommendation made by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa.
Generally, members who are evicted twice forfeited the privilege of participating in the debate for the rest of the session, he said.
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Meanwhile, DMK members J Anbazhagan and S S Sivasankar were today evicted from the House after they tried to discuss an issue without giving a notice about it.
The two do not face the two-day suspension since they were not present yesterday when other DMK members were suspended from the House for creating a ruckus.
Opposition DMK MLAs, including M K Stalin - the leader of the party's Legislature Wing, were yesterday suspended for two days for unruly behaviour in the House.