CBI today said it has seized incriminating documents and files during its search operations in the 34-kg gold missing case from a Customs strong room in Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu.
"During investigation till now, it is revealed that about 34-kg gold in three different packets and foreign currency equivalent to about Rs 17 lakh are missing," CBI's Anti- Corruption Branch said here in a statement.
"In this regard, searches were conducted at three places and incriminating documents, files relating to the seized goods are recovered. The investigation of the case is in progress," it said.
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When the incident first came to light, it was suspected that about 15 kg of gold had gone missing.
The probe agency said it registered a case after a written complaint by the Commissioner of Customs, Tiruchirappali.
"The allegation is that a packet said to have contained seized gold in the strong room of Customs have been tampered with and the same did not have the requisite weight."
Two Customs department officials were suspended after the gold was found missing last month.