Controversial Madras High Court Judge C S Karnan, has written to the Chief Justice of India and Chief Justice of Madras High Court, saying no move should be made to transfer him till he establishes the "veracity of the allegations" made against the CJI and other Madras High Court Judges.
In his letter addressed to CJI P Sathasivam and the High Court Chief Justice, he said "I have made several allegations against your Lordships and other Judges of Madras High Court. As such it is my bounden duty to establish the veracity of my allegations. Therefore, my presence as a Judge of Madras High Court is absolutely essential until the decks are cleared."
After the inquiry is over, he would willingly proceed to any other High Court and "serve with dignity and uphold the highest levels of judicial propriety," he said.
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When contacted in Delhi, the CJI had said, "I am not aware of the development," and added, "No CJI can interfere in the affairs of the collegium".
In another letter addressed to the Joint Registrar of Madras High Court, RTI section, Justice Karnan sought details about the judges involved in the selection of 23 District Judges (entry level).