A Delhi court has reduced the seven-day jail term of an engineering student, who was held guilty of drunken driving, to till rising of the court after he submitted that his career would be ruined if he was sent behind bars.
Additional Sessions Judge Rajneesh Kumar Gupta, while upholding the conviction of 26-year-old Ajit Gupta for the offence of drunken driving and under other sections of Motor Vehicle Act, modified the sentence of seven days jail awarded to him by a magisterial court and directed him to undergo TRC (till the rising of the court).
"Keeping in view the submissions and the fact that the fine imposed by the trial court has already been deposited by Gupta, he is sentenced to TRC instead of seven days jail term as awarded by the trial court," the ASJ said while sustaining his conviction and fine of Rs 2,100.
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Gupta, a resident of Burari here, had appealed against the jail term awarded to him by a magisterial court in June this year on the ground that he is not a previous offender and that his career would be ruined if he was jailed.
"The appellant(Gupta) is an engineering student and if he is sent to jail, his entire career would be ruined," his counsel submitted.
Gupta, who had already paid the fine amount, had sought setting aside of the jail term but had not challenged his conviction.
"The sentence of imprisonment is unreasonable and should be set aside," he had argued.