Two close aides of former Uttar Pradesh minister Raghuraj Pratap Singh were remanded in CBI custody till March 18 by the agency court here in connection with the murder case of Kunda DSP Zia-Ul-Haq.
Special judicial magistrate (CBI) Mirza Zeenat remanded Rajiv Singh and Sanjay Singh in CBI custody on the agency's plea seeking remand of the two, arrested by state police in connection with Balipur violence in which the DSP, village head Nanhe Yadav and his brother Suresh were murdered.
The CBI has registered four cases pertaining to three murders in village Balipur on March 2 and has booked Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiya in one of the cases for murder on the complaint by Haq's wife.
On March 2, the DSP was murdered when he had gone to Balipur village on getting the information of murder of the village pradhan.