A three-day mela scheduled to be held at Delhi University from 11 February will see boys and men standing shoulder to shoulder with girls and women to question and bust myths and stereotypes associated with the issue of gender equality.
The programme is being organised at Miranda House in collaboration with MenEngage Delhi, an alliance of NGOs working with males to promote gender equality.
Speaking about the event, Akash, a volunteer associated with CFAR-Wajood initiative on stopping domestic violence, said the mela is for "connecting with youth in different parts of the city so that we stop being bystanders and do our bit to better to improve gender equality."
Speaking on behalf of Women's Development Cell, Miranda House, Bijayalaxmi Nanda, said,"The initiative will provide young people with the space to bond with peers, set new learning goals, explore multiple issues, clarify their values and, last but not the least, do all of this with the necessary support and guidance from faculty and experts.