While launching the Rs 2,326-crore project titled "Jai Amba valley" here today, Sudhir Sharma, chairman of the Ask 4 group, said besides temple, there will be an institute of tourism studies, hotels, restaurants, banks, medical other facilities for the pilgrims.
"The Vaishnaodevi pilgrimage inspired me to take up the initiative to spread the devotional culture of homeland to abroad," Sharma said, adding the aim is to provide a holistic experience to the visitors.
He said that the temple is likely to be built within a year but the entire project would take nearly six years to complete.
On the world map, the temple will be located on the Panoramawelt Lungern-Schonubel mountains at the village of Lungern (Switzerland).
"Earlier, the Switzerland government was not giving the permission to built the temple but later it was convinced," he said, adding that the final architecture of the temple is yet to be decided.