A training of trainers and facilitators programme intended to impart training skills for district level master trainers organised by Election Commission of India commenced here today.
"Given the importance of imparting training skills to the Master Trainers, Election Commission of India is conducting a Training of Trainers and Facilitators (TTF) Programme at Anna Institute of Management, Chennai from January 10 to 13," an official release said here today.
In the programme, the State, District, and Assembly Level Master Trainers, are being trained to improve their training skills, the release added.
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Ahead of the elections to the State Assembly expected in April-May, training officials at various levels on election management has already commenced.
Fifteen officers from Tamil Nadu were trained by Election Commission of India last month and such State level master trainers later imparted training to district level master trainers.
Subsequently, 16 nodal officers were appointed in all districts in various subjects related to elections and were given specialised training by district level master trainers.