"The Amazing Spider-Man" star Andrew Garfield, who is reprising his role in the sequel, believes his new opponent Electro is far more complicated than the villains he has battled so far.
Electro is being played by Jamie Foxx in the Marc Webb directed movie. Garfield thinks the new villain, real name Max Dillon, is more relatable and shares similar character traits to Spider-Man, Contactmusic reported.
"Max, like Peter, feels outcast by his society, feels less than [others], feels trampled on, feels like he has this great power inside but doesn't know where to put it. I use 'villain' in inverted commas because I feel he's more complicated than that and thankfully so.
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Joining Garfield and Foxx in the sequel are Emma Stone as his love interest Gwen Stacy and newcomer Dane DeHaan as Peter Parker's best friend Harry Osborn.