Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Tuesday asked the police to properly investigate the shocking incident of a woman being set ablaze by a stalker in Wardha district and build a watertight case to ensure the accused is convicted.
A statement from the Chief Minister's Office quoted Thackeray as saying that the victim, a college teacher whose condition is stated to be "very critical", will be provided treatment from the CM's Medical Assistance Fund.
Thackeray has taken serious cognisance of the brutal crime, which took place on Monday in the Hinganghat area of Wardha district, the statement said.
He directed the police to investigate the case properly and ensure the accused gets stringent punishment, it added.
The woman, Ankita Pisudde (25), was set ablaze allegedly by the accused, Vikesh Nagrale (27), while she was on her way to the college where she taught.
She was initially rushed to a nearby primary health centre from where she was shifted to Nagpur-based Orange City Hospital and Research Centre, where doctors said her condition was "very critical".
The shocking incident is said to be a fallout of unrequited love.
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