BJP today said the government has been forced to grant reservation to Jats in the central OBC list due to agitation by the community and persistent political pressure and and hoped it will ensure that there are no glitches in its implementation .
The principal opposition party claimed that it was the Vajpayee-led NDA government that first provided reservation to Rajasthan jats by including them in central list of OBC and that Congress party was never serious on the issue.
"BJP finally welcomes the culmination of this struggle and the inclusion of the jats in the central list of OBCs.But we express our concern at the timing of this announcement.
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"BJP expresses its concern and would like to request the government to ensure that there is no glitch left in giving this reservation to jats in the central list," BJP Spokesperson Capt Abhimanyu told reporters.
He said the present decision is under pressure of the Jat agitation, due to political pressures keeping in view the forthcoming elections and to save its losing ground.
"It smacks of their ulterior politically-motivated agenda. Also some analysts have expressed their doubts and raised issues about some technical and legal formalities in giving this reservation.
"But to regain the lost ground and only for the ulterior motive for temporary political gains Congress party feels that it needs to give reservation to Jats in the last cabinet meeting of the UPA government," he said.
The BJP leader said his party has always supported the idea of socio-economic justice as per Constitution to all the deprived castes and communities who deserve to be given reservation according to the prescribed norms of Constitution and the National Commission for Backward Classes.