Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today directed officials to complete work on 'Urban Haat' here by Baisakhi festival, for tourists to experience Punjab's art, culture and cuisine.
He visited 'Urban Haat' here this evening to review the progress of its construction work and directed officials to ensure that the project is completed soon so that it could be dedicated to the nation on 'Baisakhi', an official release said.
Being built over about 9.5 acres land in the heart of the city at a cost of Rs 9 crore, 'Urban Haat' has huge potential to attract tourists across the world visiting this city, Badal said.
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The officials appraised Badal that 'Urban Haat' would showcase the handicrafts of the city and give tourists an opportunity to savour authentic Amritsari cuisine, besides experiencing Punjabi traditions, craftsmanship and culture, the release stated.
He was also informed that apart from traditional Punjabi food, of other states would also be made available at 'Urban Haat', it stated.