The Delhi High Court today rejected the plea of a Jamia Millia University student against the single judge's order asking the university to expel him for three years for "mis behaving" with a girl student, saying "allowing him in the campus would be dangerous".
Dismissing the plea of Mohd Monish, a division bench of Chief Justice N V Ramana and Justice Manmohan said "it is a serious issue. Considering his attitude towards the girl and also that he threatened to kill her, allowing him in the campus would be dangerous."
On October 28, the single judge had modified Jamia University's August order expelling the first year under-graduate student for an indefinite period and asked the University to expel him for three years.
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In July 2013, the disciplinary committee of the University had recommended his expulsion on receipt of a complaint that the boy was harassing a girl student of the University.
Monish claimed that he and the girl knew each other as they were in the same class and denied all the allegations of teasing harassing and threatening to kill her.