Former Tamil Nadu minister and DMK leader K K S S R Ramachandran has filed a petition in the Madras High Court Bench here to quash proceedings of a murder case, in which he has been arraigned as third accused, pending before the Sattur Judicial Magistrate Court II in Virudhunagar District.
When the matter came up before him, Justice C.T.Selvam ordered the Police to file counter and posted the case for hearing to November 8.
Ramachandran submitted that the case related to the murder of one Lakshmanan, a postal employee on Sept 30, 2007, in which local DMK functionary Sahul Hameed was the prime accused.
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Ramaswamy, the brother of the victim, had filed two petitions seeking to a direction to change the investigation officer, but the court had dismissed them.
Ramachandran contended that after the AIADMK Government tookover in 2011, the first accused was unlawfully taken into custody on March 30, 2012 and stated to have confessed implicating several persons, including him (Ramachandran).
Now a new final report had been filed by the Investigating Officer making him the third accused.
The Initiation of proceedings and cognizance taken by the trial court was erroneous and without perusal of the documents relied by the prosecution, he argued adding a perusal of the chargesheet and supporting documents would reveal that there was no material or evidence let by the first two accused linking him.