Punjab BJP today urged the state election commission to extend time for voting in municipal corporations and councils polls, scheduled on February 22 and 25, so that those in jobs can get the chance to exercise their franchise.
In a letter to Punjab' state election commissioner SS Brar, BJP state president Kamal Sharma said the commission has finalised the timing of voting between 8 AM and 4 PM.
"But I strongly feel that time for voting in the evening should be extended to 6 PM so that the people who are in jobs can also get enough time to exercise their right of voting.
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"During few previous polls in many states as well, it has been noticed that the vote percentage increased when timing was increased to 6 PM. So keeping in mind various factors, I hope you would pay attention to my request," Sharma said.
The BJP state chief also appealed the election commission to deploy security forces outside the booths that have been declared sensitive.