Amid high drama, the 13-day-old Devendra Fadnavis government today won the trust motion in the Maharashtra Assembly through a voice vote, drawing angry reactions from Shiv Sena and Congress which accused the ruling BJP of failing to prove its majority and "strangulating democracy".
A one-line motion moved by BJP MLA Ashish Shelar seeking confidence of the House in the BJP government was declared passed by voice vote even as opposition Shiv Sena and Congress insisted on a division of votes.
As the Speaker declared the motion passed after the "Ayes" and "Noes", there was a storm of protest by MLAs of Shiv Sena, which decided to claim the main opposition's space after talks with BJP over reaching a power-sharing arrangement remained deadlocked.
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"The motion has been passed," declared Speaker Haribhau Bagde over the din.
"The issue is over. The trust vote has been passed," Bagde said as Eknath Shinde, Shiv Sena Legislature Party leader, who was earlier in the day accorded the status of Leader of Opposition, alleged that passing of the confidence motion by voice vote was akin to "strangling democracy".
"The House should be run as per rules and the Constitution should not be trampled upon. The new government is strangulating democracy. We sought division but the trust vote was passed by voice vote," Shinde said.
Chief Minister Fadnavis joined issue with Shinde, saying, "Although there is the word opposition in your designation, the expectation is that you should not oppose each and every issue and support the government's pro-people decisions."
MLAs of Sharad Pawar's NCP, which had declared outside support to the government, remained seated quietly as decibel rose steadily and tempers frayed.
With 121 MLAs of its own, one of ally Rashtriya Samaj Paksha and support of 41-member NCP the BJP government could have easily won the trust vote even if a division of votes were to happen. The party had also claimed support of 7 independents, three of Bahujan Vikas Aagadhi and some from other smaller parties.