According to SP (Kangra) Balbir Thakur, "Around 50 tickets of different stands varying from the value of Rs 1,000 to 5,000 were detected at the gates, and were found scanned with fake official signatures and seat numbers."
Police claimed they were alerted following security inputs, but were still unable to catch many such spectators before their entry in the stadium.
Inspector General North, Rakesh Aggarwal said thorough investigation has been ordered in this regard. He did not rule out the hand of officials involved in selling tickets at the stadium outlets.
Police is enquiring from ticketing agency 'kyazoonga' about the matter and help has also been sought from HPCA officials, they said.
The hill town of Dharamshala is hosting its first ODI and several fake entries were apprehended as the stadium has a seating-capacity of only 22,000.