Actor Vin Diesel has announced the ninth instalment of his hit action franchise "Fast and Furious" will hit the theatres in the US on April 19, 2019.
Diesel also revealed that the tenth part of the series will arrive on April 2, 2021, reported Female First.
Diesel first teased the reveal on Instagram. "The studio has asked me to release some very big 'Fast' news... Give me a minute though, for I am still in that Xander state of Mind," he wrote, referring to his work on "XXX: The Return of Xander Cage", which marks international debut of Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.
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A few hours later, Diesel followed up with another photo, writing, "Xander returns. As most of you know I like to stay in character for the most part when given the opportunity to make magic. However, the studio gave me big news to share... So I will share it..."
He then posted the news: "Two decades, 10 films, one saga.