Vigilance Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Ashwani Kumar lodged the FIR on June 25 last against the then Kishanganj district collectors Radheshayam Bihari Singh and Subodh Nath Thakur among 12 officials for allotment of 182.07 acre government and public land on a lease of 90 years to 44 persons for tea plantation in Pothia and Thakurganj circles.
Besides Singh and Thakur, the then Circle Officers (COs) of Pothia circle Raghunandan Jha and Fateh Fayyad, Thakurganj circle's COs Poonam Kumari Jha and Md. Maqsood Alam, DCLRs Ramesh Mishra and Rahbare Islam, Sub-Divisional Officers (SDOs) Pramod Kumar Singh and Madan Mohan Dev; Additional Collectors Ram Niwas Pandey and Bangali Ram and other unknown persons have been named as accused.
The officials have been charged under various sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act including section 409 (criminal breach of trust by public servant) and 120B (criminal conspiracy).
The matter was put up before vigilance judge R N Singh yesterday for necessary action in this connection, Kumar said.