A firm trend prevailed with urad dal leading the pack with a Rs 500 gain during the week ended today in the wholesale foodgrains market here.
Prices of moong dal, sugar and maida too went up while that of thoor dal and gram dal declined.
Starting the week on a strong note, urad dal opened at Rs 7,100 per quintal against the previous week close of Rs 6,900 and notched up a further gain of Rs 300 on Thursday to close at Rs 7,400, a net increase of Rs 500.
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Sugar began on a weak note, shedding Rs 50 per quintal to Rs 2,800 on Monday but bounced back by gaining Rs 70 on Thursday to Rs 2,870 before closing at the same level.
Maida (90 kg), opening unchanged Rs 2450, went up by Rs 30 on Wednesday and Rs 20 on Thursday to Rs 2,500 and ended the week at the same rate.
Thoor dal and gram dal declined by Rs 200 and Rs 100 per quintal repectively on Monday to Rs 7,000 and Rs 3,800 and remained static thereafter to close at the same rate.
Wheat (Rs 2,500) and sooji (90 kg) (Rs 2,600) remained unchanged from their previous week's rates.