Fishermen from here who put out to sea after a long gap were overjoyed with each of the 760 boats getting bountiful harvest and the Sri Lankan navy personnel being generous to them.
Though five Sri Lankan naval men were at the spot they were fishing last night near the Katchativu they were friendly and advised the fishermen not to use banned fishing, Arul selvam a fisherman said.
Another fisherman, Bitto, said they got upto 150 kgs of fish, including prawn, as the island nation's naval men did not object to their fishing in the traditional areas.
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They attributed rich fish harvest to recent good spell rains.
President of Fishermen's Association, S Emerits said the fishermen who were on strike ever since a Sri Lankan court sentenced five of their brethern to death, resumed fishing yesterday following an appeal by revenue offcials not to resort to any agitation till November 18.